Free from non-core jobs.

Reduce non-core jobs and improve with the primary focus on productivity & profits.

  • Quoting prices and lead-time anytime.
  • Managing everything from order to ship.

Make your time

Watatumi offers you a break from your busy schedule.

  • Eliminating quotation work in purchasing.
  • managing past purchase information automatically.

From EC to Platform

Cooperate with marine cluster

Maritime industry from owner to manufacture will work together to form a maritime cluster.

Spread worldwide

Watatumi is not just an EC site, but a marine platform that accumulates information. Watatumi will realize a new marine transportation through parts sales.


How to use ?

You can start using free. Please contact us.

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※You have to create an account to sign in. Please contact the above for details. ※All Watatsumi images on this site are under development. They may differ from the actual. ※images may be corrupted depending on your device or browser.